"פסיכולוגיה יהודית: מדע או תיאופסיכיה"? בתוך החיים כמדרש עיונים בפסיכולוגיה יהודית לכבוד פרופ' מרדכי רוטנברג, שחר ארזי, מיכל פכלר וברוך כהנא (עורכים) תל אביב: ידיעות אחרונות 2004 (הדפסה שלישית).
"אגדיות סוביקטיבית כיעד חינוכי" בתוך "עיונים בחינוך היהודי (ספר יובל לכבוד פרופ' מיכאל רוזנק) ירושלים, מגנס, 2006.
"בין הנרטיב האישי לאגדה החברתית" בתוך: בדרכי שלום עיונים בהגות יהודית (ספר יובל לכבוד פרופ' שלום רוזנברג) ירושלים: בית מורשה, 2007.
"תשובה כשינוי שם: השגות על פרשנותו של סולובייצ'יק להרמב"ם" בתוך: פילוסופיה והלכה (אבינועם רוזנק עורך) ירושלים: מגנס, (בדפוס).
"אנרגיה מינית ורוחניות יהודית" בתוך" רוחניות יהודית (עורכים: משה אידל ובני איש שלום) הסוכנות היהודית ובית מורשה (בדפוס).
"למהות הפסיכולוגיה היהודית" בתוך: נפש (סטנלי שניידר עורך) 2007.
List of books from Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA)
COVID-19 and Rotenberg's concept of Tzimzum. Written by –
Dr. G.J. Kloens is a Dutch-awarded PhD in clinical psychology who applies the Tzimtzum - Dialogue approach in therapy (Rotenberg Institute) April 6, 2020 - Click to download
Old Age: From Physical Deterioration to Spiritual Elevation in Brick,Y. (ed) "Poverty & Aging" Tel Aviv, Hakibutz Hameuchad, Pub. 2005.
"Psychology and Judaism" in: The International Encyclopedia of Judaism, Neusner, J. et al (eds). Brill Leiden: Boston-Koln 2000, 2005.
“Im Tichyu zu Aggada” Alpayim , 24, 2002 (Hebrew)
“Hachinuch leRav parshanuyot keRav-Tarbutiyut” in chinuch leTarbut Bechevra Rav-Tarbutit Jerusalem: Ministry of Education and the Hebrew University, 2000.(Hebrew)
“Le Complexe d’Oedipus et la Solution d’Isaac” in Pardes, Paris 1999.
“Chibuk veLituf: heara beikvot haguto shel Imanuel Levinas in Madaey Hayahadut 36, 1996. (Hebrew)
“Mitos Hatzimtzum Kebasis Erki leachrayut Ishit Vechavratit” in Arachim Vechinuch Learachim, Jerusalem: Ministry of Education and the Hebrew University, 1999.(Heb)
“Bein Mikdash Lemidrash” Alpayim, 18, 1999. (Hebrew)
“Cabalic Sexuality and Creativity”, The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion (Invited Essay), 1995, Vol. 5 (4) 225-244.
Pardes and PaRDeS: towards a psychotherapeutic theory, Israel Journal of Psychiatry (solicited article) Vol.31:3, 1994.
“Imperialistic Missionarism and the Kibbutz Model for Co-existence” Zygon: Journal for Religion and Science 1986 21:4 473-490.
“Hasidic Contraction: A Model for Interhemispheric Dialogue” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 1986 21:2 201-217.
“The Midrash and Biographic Rehabilitation” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 1986 25:1 41-55.
“Dialektika leumat Dialogica: model haadam hamaaravi mul haadam Hayehudi” in Dreifus, T. and Elstein, Y. (eds.) Tarbut Yehudit Beyamenu: Mashber o Hitchadshut, Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1983.(Hebrew)
“The Horizontal and Vertical Structure of Social Identity” in T.R. Sarbin and K.E. Scheibe (eds.) Studies in Social Identity New York: Praeger Publishers, 1983.
(with I. Nachson) “Impulsiveness and Aggression Among Israeli Delinquents British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 1979 18 59-63.
(with B. Goitein) “Protestantism and Retrospective Labeling: A Cross-Cultural Study in Person Perception” Human Relations 1977 30:6 487-479.
“Deviance and Contingent Beings: Toward Convergence of Action and Reaction Perspectives” in S.G. Shoham (ed.) Israel Studies in Criminology T.A. Israel Press 1977.
(with I. Nachshon), “Perception of Violence by Institutionalized Offenders” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology September 1977 68 454-457.
“Psychopathy and Differential Insensitivity” in R.D. Hare and D. Schalling (eds.) Psychopathic Behavior: Approaches to Research London: J. Wiley, 1978.
“Alienating-Individualism” and “Reciprocal-Individualism: A Cross-Cultural Conceptualization Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1977 17:3 3-17.
(with P. London and L. Cooper) “Achievement Motivationm, Socialization and Hypnotic susceptibility Among Youths from Four Israeli Subcultures Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1976 5:1 89-100.
“Cognitive Role-Taking Among First and Third Year Social Work and Pharmacy Students” International Social Work 1975 28:2 53-58.
“Psychopathy, Insensitivity and Sensitization” Professional Psychology 1975 6:3 283-292.
“Self-Labeling Theory: Preliminary Findings Among Mental Patients” British Journal of Criminology 1975 15:4 360-375. Also published in Megamot (Hebrew) 1976 22;4 449-466.
“Self-Labeling: A Missing Link in the ‘Societal Reaction’ Theory of Deviance” Sociological Review 1974 22:3 335-354.
“The Protestant Ethic vs. Western People Changing Sciences”, in J. Dawson and W. Lonner (eds.) Readings in Cross-Cultural Psychology Hong Kong University press, 1974.
“The Protestant Ethic Against the Spirit of Psychiatry: The Other Side of Weber’s Thesis”, British Journal of Sociology, 1975 26:1 52-65. Published also in Megamot (Hebrew) 1976 22:2 157-169.
“Conceptual and Methodological Notes on Affective and Cognitive Role-Taking (Sympathy and Empathy): An Illustrative Experiment with Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Boys”, Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1974 125 177-185.
(with T.R. Sarbin), “Impact of Differentially Significant Others on Role Involvement: An Experiment with Prison Social Types”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1971 77:2 97-107.
(with B.L. Diamond), “The Biblical Conception of Psychopathy: The Law of the Stubborn and Rebellious Son”, Journal of History of the Behavioral Sciences 1971 VII:1 29-38. Published also in Crime and Social Deviance (Hebrew) 1973, 2:1 45-53.
“Anti-rehabilitative Factors Within the Institution for Delinquent Children”. Saad, (in Hebrew), Jerusalem, Israel, Ministry of Social Welfare, March 1964, 3-8